Commerical EV Charger Manufacturer and EV Charger Selection Guide

A growing use of electric vehicles has created a new investment opportunity for businesses looking to provide EV chargers to consumers throughout Australia.  If this growing market isn’t enough of an incentive to invest, state governments have also announced grants to help business become part of this growing scheme.  Yet, as with all sound investments, research is key.  Knowing what to look for when selecting a commercial electric vehicle charger and commercial EV charger manufacturer is crucial to maximising your investment and supporting the burgeoning EV market.  This article provides you with the essential insights and considerations to keep in mind when purchasing a commercial EV charger.  We’ll also cover what to look out for when choosing a commercial EV charger manufacturer.

Understanding Commercial EV Chargers

Commercial EV chargers come in various formats to meet different needs. Understanding the levels of EV charging is essential to choosing the best EV charger for your business.  First we’ll need to consider which level is right for you,—Level 1, Level 2, or DC Fast Charging.

Level 1 EV Home or Commercial EV Charger

A Level 1 EV charger is the most basic form of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment. It’s designed for charging electric vehicles using a standard household AC outlet. This is the most accessible type of EV charger for home use as it does not require special installation.  With that said, this type of EV charger is also the slowest.  As a result, level 1 EV chargers are best suited for overnight charging or for EVs used for short commutes.

Level 2 Commercial EV Charger

A Level 2 EV charger represents a significant step up in both price and charging capability.  This EV charger provides faster charging speeds and is suitable for residential and commercial settings. Level 2 EV chargers typically offer between 3.3 kW to 19.2 kW of power which translates into much faster charging speeds than Level 1 chargers.

Level 2 charging equipment is also more costly than a Level 1 charger.  This is because of its complexity and need for professional installation to ensure safety and best use.  Another potential cost which should be considered is whether homes or businesses have the adequate electrical capacity to support a level 2 charger.  If not, upgrades to electrical panels or infrastructure may be required which adds to the overall cost.  Although the cost of this charger may seem daunting at the onset, it’s important to remember that local government grants and schemes are available to help cover some or all of the product and installation costs.

Although these EV chargers can be in installed in homes, they are also a great option for public parking areas, workplaces and commercial settings.  This is because they offer people at work, shopping or running errands a convenient way to charge or top up their EVs.  Another reason that level 2 EV chargers are a great commercial option is their compatibility with nearly all electric vehicles.  As a result, they are a great choice for businesses looking to provide patrons with a faster EV charging option.  Finally, level 2 chargers strike a balance between charging speed and the practicalities of installation and cost.  Thus making it an essential part of EV charging infrastructure.  You can check out our range of Stage 2 EV chargers here.

DC Fast Charger

DC fast charging stations offer rapid charging capabilities and are ideal for high-traffic public locations.  Unlike AC chargers (level 1 & 2), which supply power to the vehicle’s onboard charger, converting it from AC to DC before it charges the vehicle’s battery, DC fast chargers bypass the vehicle’s onboard charger and directly supply DC power to the battery.  This allows for much faster charging speeds than level 1 and 2 chargers.  For example, some DC fast chargers can charge a car from 0 to 80% in as little as 20 to 30 minutes.  Since DC fast chargers add significant range to an EV’s battery in a short amount of time, they are especially useful for long-distance travel.

DC fast chargers are perfect in commercial parking lots, dedicated charging stations or placed along highways.  The key things to consider when deciding if a DC fast charger is right for your establishment is the charging speed, connectivity options for both the charger and the car, durability, reliability and ease of use.  Considering all these things ensures a seamless experience for users.  You can check out our DC fast charger here.

How to Choose the Right Commercial EV Charger for your Business

In order to best determine the scale and type of EV charging solution you require it’s best to consider factors like expected volume of use, types of vehicles to be charged and future growth.  Considering these things will ensure your infrastructure adapts to increasing demand.

Another important factor to take into consideration is the placement of charging stations.  DC fast chargers best suit areas with high traffic that are likely to have a high turn over rate.  They are also great at highway rest stops for long distance travellers looking to charge up with little down time.  Since stage 2 chargers take longer to charge a vehicle they are best placed in areas where EV drivers are likely to stop for long periods of time.  This includes work places, schools, hotels, train stations and some function centres.  Finally, since they are the slowest EV chargers, stage 1 EV chargers can be used in some commercial settings where clients are likely to park for extra-long periods of time such as work places, hotels, ride-share carparks and other long-term carparks.  In these settings they make a great top-up option.  Stage 1 EV chargers are also a great in-home charging option whey they can charge a vehicle over a 24 hour period.

Offering EV charging options at business, retail outlets, restaurants and entertainment venues can increase the amount of customers as more EV drivers are looking to spend time at locations where they can conveniently charge their vehicles while accomplishing other everyday tasks such as shopping.  Offering EV charging can also be an attractive perk for employees aiding in job satisfaction, talent recruitment and retention.  Business can also choose to offer EV charging as a paid service, thus creating a new revenue stream.  Finally, demonstrating a commitment to environmental sustainability can also significantly enhance a company’s image. By installing EV chargers, businesses show their support for reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy sources.  This can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers and stakeholders.

Technical Considerations for Commercial EV Chargers

Investing in commercial EV charging infrastructure requires attention to several technical details.  Considerations to keep in mind include, compatibility with existing electrical setup, smart charging capabilities for energy management, and adherence to safety standards. These elements will ensure your charging stations are efficient, safe and capable of integrating with future technological advancements.

Economic Considerations for EV Charger Installation

Understanding the economic implications, including the upfront cost, ongoing maintenance, and operational expenses, is vital when selecting a commercial EV charger or commercial EV charger manufacturer.  It’s important to evaluate the total cost of a commercial EV charger. This gives EV charger owners a clearer picture of the investment required.  It’s also important to research what grants incentives, and financing options local governments are offering.  These promotions can significantly reduce initial costs and make the project more financially viable and lucrative.  Supplying EV charging stations is a growing and lucrative market that is only set to expand thanks to the growing demand for electric vehicles.

Choosing an Commercial EV Charger Manufacturer

Selecting the right commercial EV charger manufacturer is paramount. It’s important to look for manufacturers with a proven track record, good range of products, comprehensive warranty terms, and excellent customer support. EV chargers in Australia, for instance, should come from manufacturers who understand local regulations, can provide tailored support and supply chargers that withstand the Australian Outdoors. Reviews, case studies, and the manufacturer’s reputation in the industry can offer invaluable insights into their reliability and service quality.

Commercial EV Charger Manufacturer Offerings

Successful implementation of commercial EV chargers involves more than just installing charging stations. It requires a strategic approach that considers the long-term operation and maintenance of the infrastructure. This is where choosing the right manufacturer can either break or make you.  It’s important to choose a manufacturer that offers robust support services, including maintenance and troubleshooting.  Doing so will help ensure your charging stations remain operational and efficient. Additionally, educating your staff and users on how to use the EV charging stations correctly will also maximise your investment.

Our EV Cruise Range of Commercial EV Chargers

Here at Metromatics, we offer a range of Noodoe Commercial EV Chargers under our EV Cruise range.  Our range of chargers come in 7.3kw (AC), 22kw (AC) and 30Kw (DC).  They are all designed for a range of vehicles, are impact resistant and come with an IP55 rating.  This means they are compatible, reliable and built to withstand the elements of the Australian outdoors.  We also offer a 2-year warranty and full support for hardware, software, installation, and service.  Our range of AC and DC fast chargers offer a comprehensive, high-performance commercial EV charging solution for businesses and public spaces looking to offer fast, efficient, safe and reliable EV charging.

Embracing a Green and Sustainable Future

As discussed in this article, selecting the right commercial EV charger and manufacturer involves careful consideration of various factors.  These factors include technical requirements, economic implications, and manufacturer offerings. By taking a strategic approach and partnering with a reputable EV charger manufacturers or supplier, businesses can make a meaningful contribution to the future of transportation and environmental care. Embracing electric vehicle chargers is not just an investment in EV infrastructure but a commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Contact Us

If you would like to explore our range of Commercial EV Chargers you can do so here.  Otherwise, please feel free to contact us.