Wireless Accelerometer Sensors

Welcome to the dynamic world of wireless accelerometer technology. A field that has revolutionised the way we monitor and analyse motion, vibration, and tilt. In this blog, we delve into the fascinating evolution of wireless accelerometer sensors. With a special focus on the Microstrain by HBK G-Link-200 and G-Link-200-R models. These state-of-the-art devices are not just any wireless triaxial accelerometers. They are rugged, battery-powered marvels, adept at providing precise vibration analysis in the most challenging environments. Join us as we explore how these wireless vibration sensors have become pivotal in a variety of industrial and recreational applications, marking a significant leap in sensor technology.

The evolution of wireless accelerometers

The evolution of wireless accelerometers has been marked by significant technological advancements over the years. Initially, accelerometers were bulky and wired. Therefore, limiting their applicability and ease of use.
However, as technology progressed, these sensors became smaller. In addition, more accurate, and capable of wireless communication, drastically expanding their range of applications.

Wireless accelerometers today, like the G-Link-200 series, exemplify the culmination of this evolution. They combine high precision, durability, and the convenience of wireless connectivity. These advancements have made them indispensable in various fields, from industrial monitoring to research and development.

The development of these devices has been driven by the need for more efficient, reliable, and versatile sensors. This has led to innovations in areas like battery life, data transmission, and sensor sensitivity. The result is a generation of accelerometers that are not only more powerful but also more adaptable to different environments and requirements.

This evolution signifies not just a change in the technology itself but also a shift in how we approach motion and vibration analysis in various sectors. Therefore, paving the way for further innovations in sensor technology.

Where can Wireless Sensor Accelerometers be used?

Wireless accelerometers like the G-Link-200 series are used in a wide range of applications:

  1. Structural Health Monitoring: Assessing the integrity and safety of buildings, bridges, and other structures.
  2. Industrial Equipment Monitoring: Tracking vibrations and motions to predict maintenance needs in machinery.
  3. Automotive Testing: Analysing the performance and safety features of vehicles.
  4. Sports Science: Monitoring athlete movements for performance optimisation and injury prevention.
  5. Research and Development: Used in various experimental settings for data collection and analysis.
  6. Aerospace: Monitoring aircraft vibrations and structural health.

These diverse applications showcase the versatility and importance of wireless accelerometers in modern technology and industry.

The G-Link-200 series is particularly effective in vibration analysis, a critical application in various sectors. In industrial settings, wireless accelerometers monitor machinery vibrations. With the purpose of helping predict maintenance needs and prevent failures. In structural health monitoring, they assess vibrations in buildings and bridges to ensure structural integrity. In the automotive industry, they’re essential for vehicle testing, analysing performance under different conditions. Additionally, they play a vital role in aerospace for monitoring aircraft vibrations, contributing to safety and maintenance protocols. These examples highlight the G-Link-200 series’ versatility and effectiveness in diverse vibration analysis applications.

In comparing the G-Link-200 and G-Link-200-R, it’s essential to focus on their specific features and ideal use cases. The G-Link-200 is versatile for various industries. Both offer robust vibration, motion, and tilt monitoring capabilities. However, the G-Link-200-R is  for amusement park safety, complying with ASTM F2137 standards.


In conclusion, the G-Link-200 series, encompassing the G-Link-200 and G-Link-200-R, represents a significant leap in wireless accelerometer technology. Their versatility, precision, and rugged design make them invaluable in a wide range of applications, from industrial machinery monitoring to ensuring amusement park ride safety. As we continue to witness technological advancements in this field. The importance of such innovative solutions in various sectors becomes increasingly evident, highlighting the ongoing evolution and potential of wireless sensor technology.

Finally, want to know more about the G-Link-200 Series?  Contact us.