MSCL and other APIs

The MicroStrain Communication Library (MSCL) makes it simple to write code that interacts with our Wireless sensors. It is hosted on GitHub and is completely open source under the MIT License. Full documentation, example code, and a quick start guide are provided to help you get started.

If MSCL doesn’t meet your needs, Data Communication Protocols are available in the Protocols section of Microstrain by HBK’s GitHub page.

SensorCloud also provides a REST API to allow any data to be uploaded as you see fit. You can access it in the SensorCloud section of our GitHub page.

Learn more about MSCL and other APIs available from MicroStrain by HBK.  For more information on this software format, contact us.


MSCL Screenshot

MSCL is the MicroStrain Communication Library. It was created to make it simple to write code to interact with MicroStrain by HBK Wireless and Inertial sensors.


  • Completely open source.
  • Support for C++, Python, and .NET (C#, VB, LabVIEW, MATLAB).
  • Fully Documented.
  • Includes example code and a Quick Start Guide.
  • Unit Tested.
  • Used in their own projects, such as SensorConnect and the WSDA-2000.
  • Platform Independent (can be compiled for Windows, Linux, OSX)


Open Source

GitHub Logo

MSCL is completely open source under the MIT License. It is available on GitHub.

With the open source license, you can see what’s going on below the surface, make changes as needed, and include it in your own projects without any worry.

On GitHub, you can ask questions, report issues, and join the other developers who are using MSCL.


Multi Language Support

MSCL Supported Languages


MSCL is developed in C++, with wrappers available in a variety of languages. The library is currently available in

  • C++
  • Python
  • .NET (C#, VB, MATLAB, LabVIEW)


A VI package is also available that provides an easy to implement LabVIEW interface to the .NET version of MSCL.

For more details, visit the LabVIEW-MSCL Github Page.


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