Lumistar’s Telemetry Data Software
Lumistar’s Telemetry Data Software comes with the following features:
- Windows XP and 7 (32 bit and 64 bit) compatible software to process, display, and archive real-time telemetry data.
- Supports up to 8 data streams
- Supports all Lumistar Products
- Server/Client Architecture with raw data broadcast to the client for processing and display.
- Distributed Processing with math engine on the clients – not the server.
- Event Driven Processing – Processes Data of interest as received.
- Double Precision Numbers used for calculations and display.
- Intuitive Graphical User Interface allows setup of Receivers, PCM Simulator/BERT, PCM Decommutator, Bit Synchronizer, Time Code Reader, Time Code Generator, Oscilloscope/Spectral Display, and D/A Converter.
- Automatic PCI Hardware Recognition
- Real Time 100% Data Archive with variable rate playback (up to 10x live rate). Playback can search on time or run number
- Complete Frame Dumps in Binary, Hex, Decimal and Octal are available on the Server and all Clients.
- Display Widget Types – LDPS: easily configurable Alpha Numeric, ASCII Text, Time, Scroll Stack, Altimeter, HSI, Artificial Horizon, Climb, Odometer, 7 Segment, dual channel XY, Strip Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Angular Gauge, Linear Gauge, Enunciator Panel, LED, User Draw, Spread Sheet, Stop Watch, Special Device Widgets (like the Oscilloscope/Spectral Display, decom status lights).
- Dynamic Display Editing – edits live displays. Cut/Paste of Widgets (using clipboard) is allowed across display pages. Snap to grid for aligning widgets.
- EU Conversion allows data display in RAW, mX+B, formula, or function on an individual parameter basis
- Triggers are checked at process time, not at display time
- Trigger enable on less than, equal to, greater than, in-range, or out-of-range
Contact Us
To learn more about Lumistar’s Telemetry Data Software or to receive a quote, please contact us.
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