Carrier Card (Acromag)

Carrier Cards provide great flexibility in allowing a designer to expand systems capabilities in adding additional IO to support a single board computer. Acromag’s range of carrier cards is available in the following form factors such as XMC, CPCI, PCI, PCIe, COM Express, VME, VPX and AcroPack.


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Acromag’s COTS Carrier Cards are high speed, high resolution and feature rich.

Another alternative – is the Acromag AcroPack Product line.  Acromag has updated their popular Industry Pack I/O Modules by using a mPCIe interface format.  They added 19mm and a 100 pin connector to provide up to 50 isolated rear I/O signals.  This is a super small foot print without cabling.

Learn more about the models below or contact us.

Carrier Card

Acropack CCCOM Express Carrier BoardCompactPCI Serial Carrier Cards
Carrier Card for AcroPackCOM Express Carrier CardCompactPCI Serial Carrier Card
XMC, PCI Express, CompactPCI Serial or VPX bus carrier cards for AcroPack® modules.

The AcroPack product line updates Acromag’s popular Industry Pack I/O modules with a PCIe interface format.

Acromag’s ACEX-4600 Type 6 COM Express carrier cards are available in two types:

  • ACEX-4610: Single Width with 1 x XMC/PMC Sites + 2 x Mini PCIe Sites
  • ACEX-4620: Double Width with 2 x XMC/PMC Sites +2 x Mini PCIe Sites


Engineering Development Boards/Systems

The ACPS3310 is a 3U CompactPCI Serial carrier card for Acromag’s AcroPack mezzanine modules.


Two isolated I/O expansion slots interface AcroPack or mini PCIe modules to the PCIe bus. All connections to field signals are made through front panel connectors on the carrier board which passes them to the individual AcroPack modules.

CompactPCI Carrier CardsVME Carrier CardsCarrier Card for AcroPack
The Acromag CompactPCI Carrier boards hold Industry Pack or PMC Mezzanine Modules to interface I/O Signals to a CompactPCI System.The Acromag’s VMEbus carrier boards are ideal for industry standard Industry Pack (IP) mezzanine modules. They add greater flexibility and high channel density.  Available in 3U and 6U sizes to hold two or four IP modules.


Acromag IP modules perform analog I/O, digital I/O, counter/timer, serial communication, and reconfigurable FPGA function

3U and 6U OpenVPX™ carrier cards for VPX, XMC or PMC mezzanine modules. These carrier board features a high-speed PCI Express interface making them ideal for high-performance industrial, defence, scientific research, and industrial systems.


Choose from air-cooled, conduction-cooled or Ruggedised Enhanced Design Implementation (REDI VITA 48)

PCI Carrier CardsPCIe Carrier CardsPMC Carrier Cards
PCI Carrier Cardspcie carrier cardsPMC Carrier
Acromag’s PCI Carrier Boards hold Industry Pack or PMC Mezzanine modules which interface I/O Signals to a PCI Computer System.


The APC-PMC is a PCI bus PMC module carrier designed for the 32-bit PCI bus. It also acts as an adapter to route PCI bus signals between the PCI bus of your PC and the J1 and J2 connectors of a PMC module card.

The Acromag PCIe carrier boards interface XMC and PMC mezzanine modules and Industry Pack Modules to a PCI Express bus in a PC-based embedded computer.This PMC module carrier card allows use of a PMC module in an independent stand-alone mode. The carrier card delivers power to the PMC module and regulates the PCI bus start-up sequence to prevent a system lock-up by the connection to the local bus
XMCAP2000 XMC Carrier Card
The Acromag XMCAP2000 board interfaces two AcroPack mezzanine modules to a PCI Express bus on an air-cooled XMC carrier.

It features:

  • Two AcroPack or mini-PCIe mezzanine module slots
  • PCIe x4 interface