Robotic Tactile Sensing (Robot Sensors) Applications
Robotic Tactile Sensing using a Tactile Sensor is an application. Where multiple Load Button Load Cells are used to measure the tactile force produced by an industrial robot. Therefore, FUTEK has developed a technical article detailing the use of load cells in robotic prosthetic and grippers.
Products in Use
Five Miniature Load Buttons (LLB Series) paired with FUTEK’s USB Solutions and SENSIT Test and Measurement Software.
How it Works
- As research laboratories continue to explore the world of robotics and robotic systems. There exists a greater necessity for high precision test and measurement products (Robot Sensors).
- Firstly, five Miniature Load Buttons attached to the tip of each robotic finger like a sensor array. Secondly, the robotic hand manipulates different objects. The force on the conductive material required to handle those particular objects is collected. Pairing FUTEK’s USB Solution with these Load Buttons. Consequently, the Research engineers can stream the multiple high sensitivities force directly onto their PC.
- In conclusion, if their PC utilises FUTEK’s SENSIT Test and Measurement Software, the engineers will be able to live graph and log all the data of the sensors work.
This application note was written by our partners FUTEK Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc. Please note the image shown is for illustration purposes only. Finally, for further information on Robotic Tactile Sensing using capacitive tactile sensors, please contact us.
About FUTEK Advanced Sensor Technology
FUTEK Advanced Sensor Technology, Inc. is an innovative leader in the design and manufacture of sensors and test and measurement instruments. Firstly, the Sensor range that FUTEK specialises in includes: load cells, torque sensors, pressure sensors, multi-axis sensors, and related instruments and software.
Secondly, founded in 1985. FUTEK provides Aerospace and Defence, Pharmaceutical and Medical, Engineering, Research and Manufacturing markets. With in-house customisation, engineering, integration, calibration, product life-cycle planning, warranty, and support services.
In addition, FUTEK’s product quality and in-house support is brilliant. All products manufactured at the company’s Irvine, California USA factory; facility certified to ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 17025 accredited quality management standards.
Finally, Metromatics proudly back up the FUTEK product range. With local knowledge, service and support to our customers in Australia and New Zealand.