Rugged AC & DC Power Distribution Units PDUs


Metromatics through our superior partner Nova Electric offer a full line of COTS and Defence Power Distribution Units (PDUs). Our PDUs manage power capacity and function in harsh environment applications.  Applications such as in Defence Shelters, Tactical Systems, Naval Shipboard Power, HMMWVs, Mobile Systems, Ground Support and Aircraft.  They are also commonly used in Industrial Applications such as Rail too.

Nova Electric use the same robust construction that characterises their MIL-STD-810, MIL-S-901 and MIL-STD-167 AC Power Supplies.  PDUs are available with enhanced filtering to meet MIL-STD-461 and Tempest Grade Requirements.

Available in numerous chassis configurations.  Such as Rack mount PDU, free standing cabinets or mounted in the bulkhead.  Plus a range of connector styles, switches, breakers and indicators.  Nova Electric can use a baseline product, modify an existing product or custom design to your requirements.

There are several different types available such as: Basic, Switched, Auto Transfer Switching PDU and Metered PDUs.  We can deliver your exact requirement.

Metromatics have been providing local sales, service and support for the full Nova Electric product range in Australia and New Zealand for the last 10 years.   Nova Electric manufacture Rugged AC Power Systems which are for Defence and Industrial Applications.  Products include UPS Systems, Rugged True Online Frequency Converters, Pure Sinewave DC AC Inverters, PDUs, Custom EMI Filters, Rugged Portable Transformers and External Maintenance Bypass Switches.

For more information on the product range, please contact us.

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