Category: Engineering

Dynamic Load Testing of Bridges

Dynamic Load Testing of Bridges

This case study on Dynamic Load Testing of Bridges was supplied by our friends at Dewesoft.  It was originally written by Thomas Sturm Moreira the CEO of HochBau Engineering in Chile.  Firstly, it is about how his Company HochBau was hired …

Upgrade your VME Application

Upgrade your VME Application

Does your VME Application need an upgrade?  Look no further.  Simply add Acromag’s XMCAP2000 AcroPack® carrier to the equation and you have your answer. Firstly, with two AcroPack mezzanine slots allow you to mix a variety of I/O and FPGA functions …

FUTEK celebrates 10 years on Mars

FUTEK celebrates 10 Years on Mars

FUTEK celebrates 10 Years on Mars!  FUTEK is part of a historic milestone with the NASA JPL Curiosity Team.  It is the 10 year anniversary of the rover’s successful landing on Mars. Initially, Curiosity was to be sent to the Red …

Front Cover of Dewesoft Test Engineers Catalogue

Dewesoft Test Engineers Catalogue

We think the Dewesoft Test Engineers Catalogue might become a Desktop Icon for many Test Engineers. A Company built by Test Engineers Dewesoft is a company built by test engineers.  Before Dewesoft, these engineers faced measuring challenges (just like you) every …

Futek Pressure Sensor for Metromatics.

Pressure Sensors

What is a Pressure Sensor? Pressure sensors control and monitor thousands of everyday applications.  They can also indirectly measure other variables such as fluid/gas flow, speed, water levels and altitude. Pressure Sensors do this by measuring the force required to stop …

Ethernet IP Remote IO

Ethernet Remote I/O Modules add EtherNet IP Communication

Acromag’s Busworks NT Series Ethernet Remote I/O Modules have expanded.  They now offer Remote IO Ethernet IP or Modbus TCP/IP networking protocol and communication. Firstly, Ethernet Industry Protocol referred to as EtherNet/IP.  Ethernet/IP is traditional Ethernet that contains an industrial application …

Signal Conditioning Process Diagram

What Is Signal Conditioning

Signal Conditioning – What is it & How does it work? Signal conditioning is the manipulation of a signal.  It prepares signals for the next stage of processing.  Signal conditioners convert or “clean” signals so a DAC device can read a …

DewesoftX 2022.2 Software Update to Power module

DewesoftX 2022.2 Software Update Released

Dewesoft has released the DewesoftX 2022.2 Software Update.  Firstly, the new DirectX Graphical engine will bring a powerful punch to your measurement graphics.  With the ability to increase the line thickness on the graphic widgets – makes viewing what’s going on …

Image of jetty from Google Earth

Structural Monitoring of a Jetty

This case study from Italy on Long Term Structural Monitoring of a Jetty using Operational Modal Analysis recently floated across my desk from Dewesoft and I felt that I needed to share it.  This application story was originally written by Giorgio …

Integrated Sensor Cable

New Integrated Cables for FUTEK Load Cells

Ease your frustrations!  Dumping a perfectly good sensor due to sensor cable damage may soon be a thing of the past! FUTEK’s awesome hardworking engineering team have been on the case.  They have developed new integrated connectors.  This allows for easy …