Category: Automotive Case Studies

Automotive Case Studies features any of our products or applications that relate to vehicles. Vehicles may refer to Mack Trucks, Electric Cars, Hovercraft and even standard cars.

Many of our suppliers products relate to Automotive Applications. Such as, Dewesoft who specialises in vehicle testing analysis. By way of vehicle dynamics, durability, combustion analysis, electric and hybrid testing using their award winning data acquisition systems and software.

thermocouple transmitters

Thermocouple Transmitters measure in Paint Systems

This application note on Thermocouple Transmitters was supplied by our valued supplier Acromag Defining the problem: The area around an auto manufacturer’s paint curing ovens is at elevated temperatures affecting the performance of locally installed instrumentation. Placing Signal Conditioners rated for …

data acquisition applications

Data Acquisition Applications Farm Tractors

This data acquisition applications note was provided by our partners DEWESoft. This application note shows how DEWESoft® products provide an effective solution for multi-physics validation of farm tractors. The mobile measurement instruments and easy-to-setup software are used for online field monitoring and …

Unmanned vehicle computers

Unmanned in Demand = Unmanned Vehicle Computers

This blog about unmanned vehicle computers was written by Robert Haag, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Crystal Group Inc. Unmanned vehicles are becoming more prevalent in a wide variety of market verticals including: aerospace, agriculture, cinematography, construction, energy, government and …