Dewesoft Iolite providing Real Time Control

Real Time Control - DAQ and Control Systems

DEWESOFT IOLITE –  a new Data Acquisition and Real-time Control Front-end System for Industrial Applications.

Redundant Bus Systems –  Each IOLITE system has two fully independent Ethercat bus systems that work in parallel.  The Primary Bus is used for perfectly timed and synchronised data acquisition via DEWESoft X software and the Secondary Bus which can be used in two ways:  low latency front-end interface for real-time controllers and  redundant data acquisition bus system for critical applications input Slots and Amplifiers

Feature Rich for Industrial Applications

The IOLITE chassis can be configured with up to 12 slots, each featuring high-quality input amplifiers.  including the  6xSTG a universal analogue and strain gage amplifier which is compatible with Dewesoft smart interface DSI adaptersthe 8xTH isolated thermocouple amplifier, 32xDI: 32 channel digital input and the  32xDO: 32 channel digital output with watchdog.

Firstly, each IOLITE system is equipped with a redundant power supply completing the feature set for the ideal and reliable front-end system.  Powered by a secondary power supply in case of failure.

An amazing feature of the IOLITE is it allows the operator to acquire and monitor the data in daily operations while tuning the control systems. Apart from monitoring the input channels on the data acquisition bus. Secondly, the system can also monitor the outputs from the controller. For example –  Let’s say we regulate the switch-off valve by monitoring the pressure. DEWESoft can show the pressure signal as well as digital output signal coming from the controller, all fully synchronised, this allows the operator to prove that the control system is operating correctly every time.

Cabinet Mount Chassis  – Mountable t0 19-inch rack cabinets. This is perfect for the test-bed installations. IOLITE height is 4U and can host up to 12 IOLITE modules.

Boxed Chassis   In addition to 19-inch rack cabinet compatible chassis, IOLITE is also available in standalone aluminium chassis compatible with SIRIUS data acquisition instruments The chassis provides 8 input and output slots.

Main Features:

  • DUAL ETHERCAT: IOLITE uses two EtherCAT buses in parallel. EtherCAT primary bus is used for full speed buffered data acquisition to a computer. EtherCAT secondary bus is mainly used for real-time data to any 3rd party control system.
  • GREAT SIGNAL CONDITIONING: IOLITE features high-quality amplifiers which offer great signal quality and up to 20 kHz sampling rate.
  • REDUNDANT POWER SUPPLY: Together with dual EtherCAT interface provides maximum system reliability.
  • MULTIPLE CHASSIS OPTION: Available in a 19-inch cabinet compatible chassis or in more rugged SIRIUS-like compatible chassis.
  • GREAT PRICE/PERFORMANCE: IOLITE offers great price/performance ratio and is suitable for test-bed and industrial applications.
  • SOFTWARE INCLUDED WITH FREE LIFETIME UPGRADES:Easy to use, yet very robust in functionality, award-winning DEWESoft X3 software is included. The software comes with lifetime free upgrades and no hidden costs.  Bringing you intuitive configuration, smart sensors, advanced storage and analysis capabilities.

DEWESOFT IOLITE  an all-in-one solution for real-time control and feedback monitoring.

For more information, please contact us.