Category: Industrial Applications

Remote Metering Products

Mobile Telemetry for Remote Power Metering

Using Mobile Telemetry for Remote Power Metering in large facility. Defining the Problem: This applies at a large military complex.  Electrical usage is sent from Substations to the Electric Utility only. The Public Works division onsite would like to establish a …

Robotic Tactile Sensing - Robot Sensors

Robotic Tactile Sensing

 Robotic Tactile Sensing (Robot Sensors) Applications Robotic Tactile Sensing is an application.  Where multiple Load Button Load Cells are used to measure the tactile force produced by an industrial robot. Therefore, FUTEK has developed a technical article detailing the use of …

Acromag Monitoring & Control Solutions Catalogue

Acromag Monitoring & Control Solutions Catalogue

Acromag has recently released their new Monitoring & Control Solutions Catalogue for Distributed I/O & Signal Conditioners. Concentrating on the areas of Acromag are customer driven manufacturers focused on developing Process Automation I/O products that provide long term value in the …

Robot Joint Control Measurement using Reaction Torque Sensors

Robot Joint Control using Torque Sensors

Application Summary on Robot Joint Control Measurement Versatile and adaptive robotic armatures have the benefit of increasing manufacturing productivity.  Firstly, by automating and performing complex, repetitive tasks 24×7. Secondly, the arms are trainable.  Or operate as a team as cooperative robots …

Servo Motor Torque Control

Servo Motor Torque Measurement Control

Torque Measurement Application from FUTEK Torque Measurement on Automated systems in a variety of torque industries rely on servo motors to monitor linear and rotational motion. Frictional loss and motor speed change necessitate the inclusion of a closed loop control system. …