Category: Transportation

Industrial Embedded Computers Header with images of ADLINKS products

Looking for Industrial Embedded Computers?

Industrial Embedded Computers improve and enhance the daily operations of Automation and Control, Transportation, Medical Imaging and many other industries.  With shifts in technology and introduction of IOT 4.0, Industrial Embedded Computers are expected to do more complicated processing of Video …

Rugged Touchscreen Tablet

Rugged Touchscreen Tablet

The Rugged Touchscreen Tablet from RuggOn is integrated with advanced touch technology.  Firstly, allowing the user to avoid unintended touches, including hand palm, water mist and rain drops. Secondly, it operates with an IP54 digitiser pen or 2mm hard tip stylus.  …

Embedded PC & GPU Platform for Real Time Video Analysis

Next Generation Railway System

The ADLINK AVA-5500 is a next generation railway system.  Firstly, it is an AI enabled video analytics platform – where it provides real time video and graphics analysis of complex railway operations.  It consists of an Intel i7 Core, NVIDIA Quadro®GPU …

IEPE Sensor Node

One Channel Wireless IEPE Sensor Node

Firstly, the LORD MicroStrain® Model IEPE-LINK-LXRS®  is a one channel wireless IEPE Sensor node.  Secondly, it enables simultaneous, high-speed sensing and data aggregation from scalable sensor networks. Therefore, the LORD wireless sensing systems are ideal for test and measurement, remote monitoring, …

New LCD Bus Stop Technology

Metromatics has delivered and installed their MetroSpec Branded LCD Bus Stop Technology.  This revolutionary LCD Digital Bus Stop Totem not only provides real time passenger information to the commuters of Adelaide.  It also contains an inbuilt voice annuciator and hearing loop …

Wind Tunnel Testing

Wind Tunnel Testing

Application Summary of Wind Tunnel Testing Wind tunnels are used in aerodynamic research to study the effects of air moving past solid objects referred to as models. A model is mounted onto a stationary tri-axial sensor which provides measurement of the …