Category: Manufacturing

Expand your PLC System with Acromag IO

Revamp your PLC with Acromag I/O

As a control engineer, you are responsible for designing and implementing PLC control systems that are reliable, efficient, and cost-effective.  Why not revamp your PLC with Acromag I/O ? One critical component of any control system is the input/output (I/O) modules. …

Video snap shot of Huntron Workstation and setting up PCB Connector testing

Don’t Test Your Circuit Board until you’ve tried this!

I recently watched a video published by Huntron, the masters of Power-off PCB Diagnostic and Troubleshooting Tool instruments.  The video titled “How to use a Tracker 3200S to test a PCB Connector.” I thought it unusual that the demonstrator would test …

IOLITE 8xACC module for Vibration and Structural Dynamic Measurement in Engineering applications

Measuring Vibration a Game-Changing Module for Engineers

Introducing the IOLITE-8xACC: Your Ultimate Measuring Vibration Solution! If you’re in search of a high-performance module for measuring vibration and structural dynamics, you’ll be excited to learn that the Dewesoft IOLITE product family has just gotten even deeper! The IOLITE-8xACC is …

FUTEK Pancake Load Cells

Pancake Load Cells

What are Pancake Load Cells? A Pancake Load Cell is a type of load cell.  Also known as a universal load cell or shear web load cell. It is designed with a wide, flat shape and resembles a pancake.  Usually manufactured …

Satellite Map of where our wireless level monitoring solution of bitumen emulsion is located

Measure Bitumen Emulsion Levels wirelessly in a Emulsion Tank

This application note is on how Metromatics supplied a Wireless Tank Level Monitoring Solution for a Bitumen Emulsion Storage Tank in a remote part of Western Australia. Our customer Our customer is a leading provider of integrated services and asset management …

Automation Process using Load Cells

Load Cells for Automation Process

Did you know that Load Cells are often used in the Automation process?  This application note provided by our friends at FUTEK titled “Automation Container Filling” describe how they are used and what for.  To read the original article, click here. …

StarPin Remote Monitor for wireless sensors

Remote Monitoring Systems

What Is A Remote Monitoring System? In today’s digital age, remote monitoring systems have become an essential tool for businesses, organisations, and even individuals. This is because they allow users to monitor and control various processes or systems from any location. …

COM Express Carrier Card

COM Express Embedded Computing Solutions

Acromag is a well-known manufacturer of embedded computing solutions. One of their specialties is COM Express.  It is a highly versatile computer-on-module (COM) standard.  Additionally, it allows for a high level of customisation and scalability in embedded computing systems. In this …

Dewesoft DAQ System Image

A DAQ System Guide

What Are DAQ Systems? A DAQ (Data Acquisition) system is a computer-based system that measures and records data from physical sensors or signals in the real world. This system typically consists of sensors or signal conditioning components that convert a physical …

High Speed DisplayPort Switcher being used on helicopters for 4K viewing

High Speed DisplayPort Switcher used in helicopters

Two years ago, EON Instrumentation announced that they delivered their DP-25 high speed Display Port Switcher being used in NASA’s X-59 experimental plane.  As mentioned in this blog. However, NASA Spinoff Magazine has written an interesting article on EON’s Ultra High-Definition …