Category: Case Studies

Why is Signal Isolation important? White Paper Front Cover

Why is Signal Isolation important?

Questions regarding why signal isolation is important? Why it is needed?  and how to test for it are regularly asked.  Acromag is in the business of signal conditioning.  They manufacture circuits that amplify, isolate, filter and convert one signal form to …

Jet Engine Turbine Where an accelerometer could test

What is an Accelerometer?

What is an accelerometer? An accelerometer is an electromechanical device.  Used to measure static or dynamic acceleration forces in an object.  These forces can be simplified into three main types. How does it work? An accelerometer works by measuring acceleration.  However, …

COM Express Type 10 Carrier Card

COM Express Type 10 Carrier Card

New COM Express Type 10 Carrier Card Hosts Four AcroPack® mPCIe I/O Modules for a Mix of Processing Functions on a Mini-ITX Platform. Acromag’s newest carrier board interfaces four I/O module slots to an Intel® Atom® COM Express, CPU module on …

Brake Noise Testing System

Brake Noise Testing in Vehicles

This Brake Noise Testing in Vehicles Application Note comes from our friends at Dewesoft. Dewesoft Brake Noise (Squeal) testing solution is ideal for detecting and tracking noise caused by mechanical vibration in various braking systems based on the VDA 303 guideline algorithm. The …

Wireless Propane Tank Monitoring Symbol

Monitor Propane Tanks Remotely

Do you want to be able to monitor your propane tanks remotely?  Well now you can thanks to Monnit‘s new Alta Propane Tank Monitoring Sensor.  The new sensor enables propane and energy firms to switch from schedule based to needs based …

New LCD Bus Stop Technology

Metromatics has delivered and installed their MetroSpec Branded LCD Bus Stop Technology.  This revolutionary LCD Digital Bus Stop Totem not only provides real time passenger information to the commuters of Adelaide.  It also contains an inbuilt voice annuciator and hearing loop …

Cybersecurity Hardware Solution by Crystal Group

Rugged, Cybersecurity Hardware Solution

The Crystal Group has released its new Rugged, Cybersecurity Hardware Solution.  Firstly, it is called the Network Attached Storage (NAS) Solution. Secondly, it delivers a hardware-level protection of data classified as top-secret and below in dynamic environments and across multi-domain battlefields. …

Portable UPS System for Soldier Backpack

Portable UPS System for Soldier Backpack

Acumentrics, has recently developed a new portable UPS System for Soldier’s Backpacks called the Pack-Power™ System. It is a small, lightweight, autonomous and flexible UPS System.  It can be stand alone or integrated into a soldiers backpack.  Therefore, making it ideal …

Data Acquisition for connection to normal pc

Data Acquisition System attaches to existing PC

Dewesoft have released the R4 Data Acquisition System which attaches to your existing PC.  It is called the R4-HUB Data Acquisition System which instead of a built in SBox Computer – it includes a USB Hub. The R4-HUB DAQ system can …

Dewesoft X3 SP8 Software Release

Dewesoft X3 SP8 Software Released

The Dewesoft team is pleased to announce the release of the new Dewesoft X3 SP8 Software. The main benefactors of this release are all automotive users.  Two of the new modules are tied directly to this application field. Dewesoft is now …