News & Events

Picture of Mars Celebrating Mars Rover Curiosity

Celebrating Mars Rover Curiosity

Futek & Metromatics – Celebrating Mars Rover Curiosity   FUTEK and Metromatics are celebrating Mars Rover Curiosity.  Why?  Because seven years ago, The Curiosity Rover touched down on Mars, following a nine-month, 563 million-km journey from Earth. Since then the rover has …

1553 Bus Ethernet Converter

1553 Bus Ethernet Converter

New MIL-STD- 1533 Bus Ethernet Converter with 3 or 4 Channels  Alta’s ENETX-1553 Real-Time Ethernet Appliance Maximises 1553 Connectivity Alta Data Technologies (Alta) announces the release of a high density, (3-4 channels) real-time 1553 Bus Ethernet converter for MIL-STD-1553: ENETX-1553. This …

Nut Runner Application

Nut Runner using Force and Torque

This application note on a Nut Runner using Force and Torque has been kindly supplied by FUTEK. By using both a Futek rotary torque sensor and load cell, in this application a relationship can be established between the bolt tension and …

smallest data acquisition system

World’s Smallest Data Acquisition System

The Dewesoft KRYPTON ONE is the world’s smallest single-channel data acquisition module for field testing in harsh environments. This DAQ system will survive extreme temperatures, water spray or submersion, high shock, and extreme vibrations. Making precise scientific measurements in hostile environments …

Rugged Wireless Strain Analog Sensor

3 Channel Wireless Sensor

MicroStrain by HBK’s SG-Link-200 3 Channel Wireless Sensor! MicroStrain by HBK’s wireless sensor networks are fast to deploy and provide reliable, lossless data throughput! The SG-Link-200 is a 3 channel wireless sensor with a rugged, weatherproof enclosure. It includes onboard PGA, …

Retail Digital Shelf Display

The MetroSpec Digital Shelf Displays by Metromatics are colourful digital shelf edge displays which replace the monotonous black and white price tags / paper tags and add new excitement to the retail shelf.  The Smart Shelf display provides targeted advertising at …

VPX 6U Carrier Cards

New VPX 6U Carrier Cards suitable for many functions

New VPX 6U Carrier Cards Host XMC and AcroPack mPCIe I/O Modules Providing Maximum Flexibility for a Mix of Functions Acromag’s latest  VPX 6U Carrier Cards feature five mezzanine slots.  Which interface a combination of I/O, communication, FPGA, GPU, or CPU …

Formula 1 Vehicles used high precision measurement technology to give them the edge

Formula 1 Relies on Tailor-Made High-Speed Dewesoft

Last March in Melbourne, the premier league of motorsports was going full throttle into the new season and competition was tighter than ever:  In the fight for even the tiniest advantage the racing teams relied on high precision measurement technology from …

Product of the month NASA Tech Briefs

Product of the Month NASA Tech Briefs

KRYPTON ONE – awarded Product of the Month in NASA TECH BRIEFS! We have great news to share our valued supplier Dewesoft has won the NASA Tech briefs award again!  KRYPTON ONE, the world’s smallest single-channel data acquisition module was selected for …

Electric Vehicle Real Drive Tests

Electric Vehicle Real Drive Tests

This case study on Electric Vehicle Real Drive Tests was kindly provided by our supplier Dewesoft.  For more information on their products or this application, contact us. Electric Vehicle Real-Drive Tests As the automotive industry advances power conversion and battery technologies. Dewesoft …