How to Re-Transmit and Isolate 4-20mA Signals from Gas Detection Sensors

How to re-transmit and isolate 4-20mA Signals

Understanding the Problem: Why Re-Transmit & Isolate 4-20mA Signals?

In many industrial applications, 3-wire gas detection sensors monitor hazardous gases and transmit 4-20mA signals directly to a remote gas monitor or controller. However, there are situations where the signal must be sent to multiple destinations. This can be achieved using two methods:

  • Signal retransmission: Sending the existing signal to additional locations.
  • Signal isolation: Preventing electrical interference by isolating the signal before distributing it to multiple locations.

Why Isolating 4-20mA Signals is Important

  • Prevents ground loops that can distort sensor readings.
  • Enhances signal integrity when transmitting data over long distances.
  • Improves system safety in hazardous environments.
  • Enables multiple signal outputs without signal degradation.

Best Methods to Re-Transmit and Isolate Signals

Option 1: Using a Signal Isolator

A signal isolator takes a 4-20mA input signal and provides an isolated 4-20mA output, ensuring that connected devices do not interfere with each other.

Option 2: Using a Signal Splitter

A signal splitter takes one 4-20mA input and provides two isolated 4-20mA outputs, allowing the signal to be sent to multiple locations.

System Requirements for Re-Transmitting and Isolating 4-20mA Signals

For a 3-wire gas detection sensor, the 4-20mA signal transmission works as follows:

  • The sensor and receiver share a ground connection with power.
  • A third wire connects to power outside the current loop.

To re-transmit and isolate the signal, use one of the following options:

  1. 2-wire or 4-wire isolator to re-transmit and isolate the loop to a single location.
  2. 2-wire or 4-wire splitter to send the loop to two separate locations while maintaining isolation on all three loops.

The Best Acromag Signal Isolators and Splitters for This Application

2-Wire and 4-Wire Isolators: Features and Benefits

Acromag signal isolators take a 4-20mA field input and provide an isolated 4-20mA output. Each channel operates independently, ensuring no interaction between signals. Perfect for Industrial Signal conditioning.

Field-adjustable 600T Series isolators with zero and span trim pots for precise tuning. ✅ Pre-calibrated TT Series isolators for plug-and-play use. ✅ 1500V isolation to protect against electrical faults and ground loops. ✅ Factory-calibrated models for quick installation. ✅ Easy recalibration using Acromag’s Windows Software or Agility Mobile App.

2-Wire and 4-Wire Splitters: Features and Benefits

Acromag signal splitters for industrial automation allow a single 4-20mA signal to be duplicated and sent to two independent destinations.

Maintains electrical isolation across all signal outputs. ✅ No signal degradation even when transmitting to multiple devices. ✅ UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 safety rating for hazardous areas. ✅ Reliable performance in industrial applications.

Recommended Acromag Products

Product TypeModel
2-Wire Isolators651T-0600, TT236-0600
4-Wire Isolators631T-0500 (DC Power), 631T-0100 (AC Power), TT336-0700
2-Wire Splitters653T-0600, SP236-06600
4-Wire Splitters633T-0500 (DC Power), 633T-0100 (AC Power), SP336-0700

How to Properly Install Acromag Isolators and Splitters

  1. Follow proper wiring practices as detailed in the Acromag user manual.
  2. Ensure earth grounding is correctly connected to minimize electrical noise.
  3. Use high-quality cables for accurate and stable 4-20mA signal transmission.
  4. Calibrate the isolators using the zero and span trim pots or Acromag’s calibration software.
  5. Test the output to confirm proper signal retransmission and isolation.

Why Choose Acromag for 4-20mA Signal Isolation?

Acromag designs isolators and splitters for rugged industrial applications, making them ideal for gas detection sensors in hazardous environments.

  • UL/cUL Class 1 Division 2 rated for safety.
  • High-performance signal accuracy up to ±0.05%.
  • Reliable operation in harsh conditions (temperature, humidity, and interference-resistant).
  • Easy integration with existing systems due to flexible power and mounting options.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Why do I need to isolate a 4-20mA signal?

A: Isolation prevents ground loops, protects against electrical interference, and ensures reliable signal transmission across multiple devices.

Q: What is the difference between a 2-wire and a 4-wire isolator?

A: 2-wire isolators are loop-powered. 4-wire isolators require an external power source. However, provide better isolation and stronger sensor signal transmission.

Q: How do I choose between an isolator and a splitter?

A: Use an isolator when you need to protect a signal from interference and a splitter when you need to send a signal to multiple devices while maintaining isolation.

Get Expert Assistance

👉 Need help selecting the right signal isolator or splitter? Contact Metromatics today for expert advice and solutions tailored to your application

This application blog on how to re-transmit and isolate 4-20mA signals from remotely mounted 3-Wire Gas Detection Sensors is provided by our friends at Acromag.  To see the original blog, click here

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