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MIL STD 1553 Dual Redundant Data Bus Drawing

MIL STD 1553 what is it and where is it used?

What does MIL STD 1553 Stand For? MIL STD 1553 is a US Military Department of Defence standard initially published in 1973.  It defines the mechanical, electrical and functional characteristics of a Serial Data Bus – a communications system used primarily …

KLV Metadata Graphic Display of HD UHD Video Frame rates

Using KLV Metadata for Telemetry

This technical brief on “Using KLV Metadata for Telemetry” was written by Paul Hightower from Instrumentation Technology Systems  for more information, contact us. When the Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers (SMPTE) created digital video frames (SMTPE 274 and SMPT …

Rotor Balancing Software Screen by Dewesoft

Rotor Balancing

Rotor Balancing Firstly, Rotor Balancing is the process eliminating unbalance and vibrations in rotating machinery.  Secondly, Balanced Rotors are essential for smooth operation, reduced material defects and a longer machine life.  It is a preventative machinery diagnostics tool.  Finally, it will …

Modbus - Modbus RTU I/O Module

What is Modbus?

The Modbus Protocol was developed in 1979 by Modicon, Incorporated (purchased by Schneider Electric).  It was for use in industrial automation systems and Modicon programmable controllers.  It has since become an industry standard method for the transfer of discrete/analog I/O information …

Measuring shaft thrust with a load cell app note

Measuring Rotary Shaft Thrust with load cell

Measuring Rotary Shaft Thrust with Load Cell and Rotary Load Cell Rotary shafts are at the heart of many industrial systems, from motors and turbines to pumps and robotic systems. Accurately measuring the thrust they generate is critical and achieved by …

PCB Board - Printed Circuit Board Checklist

Printed Circuit Board Troubleshooting Checklist

Huntron have put together a Printed Circuit Board Checklist of items as a first step to trouble shooting a board.  This checklist can assist a technician.  It can save time, money and headaches.   Do this inspection procedure at the beginning of …

Why is Signal Isolation important? White Paper Front Cover

Why is Signal Isolation important?

Questions regarding why signal isolation is important? Why it is needed?  and how to test for it are regularly asked.  Acromag is in the business of signal conditioning.  They manufacture circuits that amplify, isolate, filter and convert one signal form to …

Jet Engine Turbine Where an accelerometer could test

What is an Accelerometer?

What is an accelerometer? An accelerometer is an electromechanical device.  Used to measure static or dynamic acceleration forces in an object.  These forces can be simplified into three main types. How does it work? An accelerometer works by measuring acceleration.  However, …

COM Express Type 10 Carrier Card

COM Express Type 10 Carrier Card

New COM Express Type 10 Carrier Card Hosts Four AcroPack® mPCIe I/O Modules for a Mix of Processing Functions on a Mini-ITX Platform. Acromag’s newest carrier board interfaces four I/O module slots to an Intel® Atom® COM Express, CPU module on …

Brake Noise Testing System

Brake Noise Testing in Vehicles

This Brake Noise Testing in Vehicles Application Note comes from our friends at Dewesoft. Dewesoft Brake Noise (Squeal) testing solution is ideal for detecting and tracking noise caused by mechanical vibration in various braking systems based on the VDA 303 guideline algorithm. The …