Category: Engineering

aircraft wing payload modification testing

Aircraft Wing Payload Modification

This case study on Aircraft Wing Payload Modification was kindly provided by our supplier Dewesoft.  For more information on their products or this application, contact us. RMC Engineering, Turkey An aircraft operating company in Turkey wanted to modify the wing payloads …

Rugged Wireless 3 Axis Accelerometer

Rugged Wireless 3 Axis Accelerometer

The G-Link-200 is a battery powered, rugged, wireless 3-axis accelerometer with a weatherproof enclosure. Firstly, this battery powered wireless accelerometer provides extremely low noise waveform data.  Secondly, it is ideal for vibration, impact, motion, and tilt applications. Additionally, derived vibration parameters …

continious structural monitoring of bridges

Preventing bridge collapses by continuous monitoring?

This interesting article on Continuous Structural Monitoring of Bridges has been supplied by our valued supplier Dewesoft. Should you require any further information, contact us. Wikipedia list of bridge failures features 110 entries from year 2000 onwards, including several high-profile ones like …

Drone Propeller Testing

Drone Propeller Testing

This application note on Drone Propeller Testing has been kindly provided by our valued supplier FUTEK. For more information, please contact us. Application Note using: FUTEK’s MBA500 Torque and Thrust Biaxial Sensor! Professional and hobbyist level quadcopters and drones are becoming …

Sound Power Measurement Solution - washing machine testing

Sound Power Measurement Solutions

Dewesoft Sound power measurement solution merges best of both worlds: widely established sound power measurements with familiar, distinctive user interface and industry unmatched adaptability. Rate and compare different noise sources with ease and exactness while simultaneously monitoring any number of measured …

reduce electrical noise in your system

How to reduce electrical noise in your system

This technical article on how to reduce electrical noise in your system has been kindly provided by our valued supplier FUTEK. Unwanted noise in a system can throw off readings and impact the accuracy of your tests. FUTEK have created this …

Analysis of PCB Failure

Images and Analysis of PCB Failure

This information on the Analysis of PCB Failure has been kindly supplied by our valued supplier, Huntron. For more information on the Huntron range, contact us. The information on this page presents an analysis of a PCB when using a Huntron …

White Paper 2 Wire Transmitters

Intro to the Two Wire Transmitters

This White Paper on Intro to the Two Wire Transmitters and the 4-20mA Current Loop is kindly provided by our friends Acromag.  Contact us for any Acromag product query. In two-wire 4-20mA control loops, we use 2-wire transmitters to convert various …

thermocouple to transmitter connections

Minimise Error Thermocouple to Transmitter Connections

Whitepaper: Minimising Measurement Error when making Thermocouple to Transmitter Connections. Look no further!  Our friends at Acromag have released a new white paper.  It reviews the best practices to use when making thermocouple connections to minimise potential measurement errors in your …

Dewesoft x3 software

Release of Dewesoft X3 SP6

Recent information the Dewesoft X3 SP6 Version of Software from our friends Dewesoft. For more information, contact us. Now Released: Dewesoft X3 SP6 featuring the C++ Script and a redesigned installer The Dewesoft team is pleased to announce the release of …